Employment Position desired : Select a field of activity: All divisions (Transport) Livestock Transport Poultry Transport Refrigerated Transport Entretien Mécanique Mechanical Maintenance Identifications Sex : Man Woman Name : Forname: Address : City : Province/State : Postal/Zip code : Phone : Experience and qualifications ( Drivers only )Classes : Province : Expiration date : Number of experience Months : Restriction(s) : Manual transmission endorsement (M) : Yes NoAir-brake endorsement (F) : Yes NoDouble road train endorsement (T) : Yes NoNumber of demerit points : Have you ever been refused a commercial vehicle licence? : Yes NoHas your licence ever been revoked or suspended? : Yes NoIf you have replied Yes to either of the above questions, explain why : Education Your level of education : Diploma obtained : Date obtained : Languages spokenCheck the language(s) you speak : French English SpanishOther : Check the language(s) you write : French English SpanishOther : Work experiencePlease provide the following information concerning your last employer. Company name : Address : Contact person : Phone : Date hired : Date employment terminated : Position held : Tasks accomplished : Note: All candidates must undergo a narcotics test. Declaration By sendind this form, It is agreed and understood that if I make a false or erroneous statement in applying for employement, or if I have neglected to provide the information requested on this form, I will be liable to immediate dismissal upon the discovery of any false declaration or omission, in compliance with bond requirements, internal regulations, labour agreements, as well as company policies and procedures. It is agreed and understood that the Company and its agents may investigate my biographical data in order to verify my record of service and to ensure that all statements made by me are true and accurate. I agree to provide additional information or documents, or both, to complete this form and to undergo a medical examination by a physician chosen or designated by the Company. I hereby authorize the Company to obtain from my past employers any information concerning me in files that they have put together, as well as from any other persons whom the Company may need to contact. It is agreed that if hired, I will be subject to a probationary period during which time I could be released without any recourse. This is to certify that this job application has been completed by me and that all the particulars and information in it are true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Powered by ChronoForms - ChronoEngine.com